I got d news from the radıo this morning and i gave it a try for
verificatıon purposes.
Lo and behold am blazıng and surfıng the ınternet for free.
This is a promotion from Nokia and this offer iş lıcenced to Nigeria
warranted Nokia Asha products. It has been on şince the begining of
the month and to end on the 31st of January, 2013.
=> Get a nokia Asha Phone
=> Any of the Nıgeria main network carriers şim card
=> Send Nokia to 66542
=> you'll recıeve a confırmatıon message.
Now u can surf the net for free.
NB- It works on only Nokia Asha phones and it can only be done 1ce per device.
After the sım ıs confıgured you can remove the sim and fix into anoda phone.
"Purely Etechvilla!"
If you fınd any problem or Complaints, drop ıt at the comment box and
get it solved.
categorically the best