

Intertrust Technology Corporation, a digital rights Management company that is involved in research, invention, licensing, standardization of software for trusted computing, owned by Royal Phillips Sony and Stephens incorporated filed a complaint against Apple Inc. on the 20th of March, 2013 in Oakland, California for allegedly impinging on 15 patents related to mobile device security.
          Intertrust, who previously sued Microsoft Corporations over patents said in it’s complaints filed against the Apple Inc. that Apple’s Iphone; Laptop Computers; Apple television; App store; Ipod touch and Ipad product lines  are built on secure computing  technologies developed and patented by Intertrust.  She also claimed that the software maker licensed the technology the technology with a sum of $440 million in 2004 and Apple’s decision to make use of it without paying for it.s usage has and will continue to effect substantial harm to the company.
The company demands the court to effect the barring of further impingement and sales of products that impinge the patent, lost profit damages; finding out the impingement was willful and a reasonable royalty. Apple is yet to make any public speech on the certain complaints.

Samsung to unveil a smart watch in order to compete with Apple

Hmmm! Are you pondering what am pondering?  I guess this can be best referred to as “Technology War”. It’s a race between two Technology Companies- Apple Inc. and Samsung Electronics in bombarding the Globe with smart phones.
It was leaked that Apple Inc. has been working on a smart-watch that could posses certain features such as making calls and ability to view the caller’s identity, view map co-ordinates and also monitor health related data’s and are making efforts to storm the market with her device before the end of 2013.
Competition now coming in from Samsung Electronics as it was disclosed by the executive vice president of Samsung’s mobile in an interview held at Seoul “that preparations are been made by the company and they are working so hard in getting their long worked on smart watch.

The South Korean based Company who unleashed their latest smart phone- Galaxy S4 last week might add the smart-watch to their set plans for the year 2013 so as to crash Apple’s sales after overtaking them to lead the smart-phone market and thereby becoming the world’s largest smart-phone manufacturer.
 Samsung Electronics who is known for manufacturing her own displays and chips could surely hit the mobile market before the US-based company (Apple Inc). Though the price is yet unknown but I assure you the first to hit the market with the smart watch would surely set up a standard for the other.                 
  Guess what? I just can’t wait to grab the smart-watch as my next smart device.


Install WhatsApp on all Nokia S40 (Java) phones and keep in touch with friends

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  WhatsApp messenger which is available for  Blackberry, window phones, iphone, android and Nokia phones allows the exchange of instant messages over the internet to keep in touch with friends at a less data plan and no sms cost. WhatsApp also enable it’s users to send audio and video messages  to friends at an unlimited rate and even supports the creating of group discussions with friends.
                This cross platform messenger supports not all Nokia phones but mostly S60 versions (Symbians) and few S40 versions (Java) such as C3-00;  C3-01; X2-01; X2-00; X3-02 and the Asha families and this would lead us to getting to know HOW to keep in touch with our friends  with whatsApp  in all Nokia S40 versions(Java) .
                To carry out this tutorial the following items are needed:-
i.                     Memory Card
ii.                   Nokia S40
iii.                  WhatsApp installer file

ð  Download the whatsApp installer file
ð  Extract the above file
ð  Create a new folder in your memory card and copy or move the extracted files into it.
ð  Access  your Applications in your phone Menu and locate your Memory card and copy into games or apps, then delete the folder off your memory card
ð  Run your whatsApp, register your number and keep in touch with those friends you’ve longed to.
NB- Some S40 phones do not copy, then move.
WhatsApp messenger uses same data plan and connection with your phone browser.
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Sundar Pichai heads Google after Andy Rubin's departure

Andy Rubin(Andrew .E. Rubin), formerly served as a manufacturing engineer in Apple Incorporation between 1989-1992. He is also known as one of the co-founders of Danger Incorporations with Joe Brittle and Matt Hershenson. The Jewish man is said to be involved in overseeing google's new products as he hands over to Sundaraj Pichai.
The Indian computer engineer (Sundaraj Pichai) who became a part of google in the year 2004, and since then has been greatly involved in the management of google was linked to be highly involved in the development of google drive, google drive, google maps and gmail.
He has been the senior vice president for chrome, google apps android until march 13, when he was announced in a blog post by Larry Page as the new head of the android division in replacement of Andrew Rubin.
His new role would involve the supervision of bringing to be, Sergey Brin's dream of converging both the android and chrome OS so as to create a sole platform on which both mobile, Pc's and tablets would be runned.