
US army and Lockheed Martin design an Autonomous Convoy system

Photo credit- futuristspeaker

With the aim of providing safety and security of human drivers in a convoy mission by having a cab without the control of a soldier, 2 research and design corporations- The US Army Tank-Automotive Research Development and Engineering center (TARDEC) and Lockheed Martin Global Security and Aerospace Company were able to design a hardware and software that can autonomously navigate through obstacles in both urban and rural region.
A demonstration was carried out last month (January, 2014). At Fort Hood, Texas to test the design and it was confirmed to be able to navigate through real world obstacles such as oncoming traffic, road intersections, stalled and moving vehicles, pedestrians and traffic circles.
According to David Simon, AMAS program Manager for Lockheed Martin Missiles and Fire Control: " The AMAS CAD hardware and software performed exactly as designed and dealt successfully with all of the real-world obstacles that a real-world convoy would encounter.."

Having a driverless car has been on research by Google Incorporated, Toyota and Audi and soon the globe would be hit with this new tech design.
So, I guess you wouldn't be amazed when you see a convoy of multiple types of vehicles passing bye.
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